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Create lead



Create lead


Header Parameters

    x-customer-id stringrequired

    The customer ID that uniquely identifies the customer in your application

    Example: my-customer-1
    x-provider-name stringrequired

    The provider name

    Example: salesforce


    record objectrequired
    company stringnullable
    first_name stringnullable
    last_name stringnullable
    lead_source stringnullable
    title string
    email_addresses object[]
  • Array [
  • email_address stringrequired
    email_address_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [primary, work, other]

  • ]
  • addresses object[]
  • Array [
  • address_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [primary, mailing, other, billing, shipping]

    city stringnullablerequired
    country stringnullablerequired
    postal_code stringnullablerequired
    state stringnullablerequired
    street_1 stringnullablerequired
    street_2 stringnullablerequired
  • ]
  • owner_id stringnullable
    converted_contact_id stringnullable
    converted_account_id stringnullable
    custom_fields object

    Custom properties to be inserted that are not covered by the common object. Object keys must match exactly to the corresponding provider API.

    property name* any

    Custom properties to be inserted that are not covered by the common object. Object keys must match exactly to the corresponding provider API.


Lead created

    record object
    id stringrequired
    warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • detail string
    problem_type string
    title string
  • ]