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Create property



Creates a custom property in the provider and registers it in Supaglue.


This endpoint is only supported for Salesforce and Hubspot currently.


Path Parameters

    object_name stringrequired
    Example: contact

Header Parameters

    x-customer-id stringrequired

    The customer ID that uniquely identifies the customer in your application

    Example: my-customer-1
    x-provider-name stringrequired

    The provider name

    Example: salesforce


    name stringrequired

    The unique identifier to be used to refer to this property across all customers. Supaglue will use this to appropriately map to the provider field ID.

    label stringrequired

    The human-readable name of the property as provided by the third-party Provider.

    description string

    A description of the field.

    is_required boolean

    Defaults to false.

    group_name string

    Only applicable for Hubspot. If specified, Supaglue will attempt to attach the field to this group if it exists, or create it if it doesn't. If not specified, Supaglue will create the field in the 'custom_properties' group.

    type property_typerequired

    Possible values: [text, textarea, number, picklist, multipicklist, date, datetime, boolean, url, other]

    Type of the field.

    :::note picklist and multipicklist property types are currently only supported in Salesforce and Hubspot :::

    :::note url property type currently is only natively supported in Salesforce. :::


    TypeHubspot (type-fieldType)SalesforcePipedrive
    numbernumber-numberInt/Double (depending on scale)double
    urlNot SupportedUrlNot Supported
    precision number

    Only applicable in Salesforce. If not given, will default to 18.

    scale number

    Only applicable in Salesforce. If not given, will default to 0.

    options object[]

    The list of options for a picklist/multipicklist field.

  • Array [
  • label stringrequired
    value stringrequired
    description string

    A description of this option.

    hidden boolean

    Defaults to false.

  • ]


Create a property

    id stringrequired

    The machine name of the property as it appears in the third-party Provider.

    custom_name string

    Only applicable for custom properties. This represents the unique identifier that can be used to refer to this property across all customers.

    label stringrequired

    The human-readable name of the property as provided by the third-party Provider.

    description string

    A description of the field.

    is_required boolean

    Whether or not this field is required. Must be false for Salesforce boolean fields.

    default_value object

    The default value for the property. Only supported for Salesforce.



    group_name string

    Only applicable for Hubspot. If specified, Supaglue will attempt to attach the field to this group if it exists, or create it if it doesn't.

    type property_typerequired

    Possible values: [text, textarea, number, picklist, multipicklist, date, datetime, boolean, url, other]

    Type of the field.

    :::note picklist and multipicklist property types are currently only supported in Salesforce and Hubspot :::

    :::note url property type currently is only natively supported in Salesforce. :::


    TypeHubspot (type-fieldType)SalesforcePipedrive
    numbernumber-numberInt/Double (depending on scale)double
    urlNot SupportedUrlNot Supported
    precision number

    Only applicable in Salesforce. If not given, will default to 18.

    scale number

    Only applicable in Salesforce. If not given, will default to 0.

    options object[]

    The list of options for a picklist/multipicklist field.

  • Array [
  • label stringrequired
    value stringrequired
    description string

    A description of this option.

    hidden boolean

    Defaults to false.

  • ]
  • raw_details object

    The raw details of the property as provided by the third-party Provider, if available.

    property name* any

    The raw details of the property as provided by the third-party Provider, if available.
