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List companies



NOTE: To use the Data Listing API you need to use the Supaglue Managed Destination and select Standard Objects to be synced.


Query Parameters

    modified_after date-time

    If provided, will only return objects modified after this datetime. Datetime must be in ISO 8601 format and URI encoded.

    Example: 2023-02-23T00:00:00Z
    page_size string

    Number of results to return per page. (Max: 1000)

    Example: 123
    cursor string

    The pagination cursor value

    Example: cD0yMDIxLTAxLTA2KzAzJTNBMjQlM0E1My40MzQzMjYlMkIwMCUzQTAw

Header Parameters

    x-customer-id stringrequired

    The customer ID that uniquely identifies the customer in your application

    Example: my-customer-1



    pagination objectrequired
    next stringnullablerequired
    previous stringnullablerequired
    total_count number
    records object[]required
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    the unique identifier for the company. This field is set automatically and cannot be edited. This can be used when updating companies through importing or through API.

    description stringnullablerequired

    a short statement about the company's mission and goals.

    city stringnullablerequired

    the city where the company is located.

    country stringnullablerequired

    the country where the company is located.

    zip stringnullablerequired

    postal or zip code for the company.

    state stringnullablerequired

    the state or region where the company is located.

    address stringnullablerequired

    the street address of the company.

    phone stringnullablerequired

    the company's primary phone number.

    industry stringnullablerequired

    the type of business the company performs. By default, this property has approximately 150 pre-defined options to select from. These options cannot be deleted, as they are used by HubSpot Insights, but you can add new custom options to meet your needs.

    name stringnullablerequired

    the name of the company.

    numberofemployees stringnullablerequired

    total number of people who work for the company.

    hubspot_owner_id stringnullablerequired

    the HubSpot user that the company is assigned to. You can assign additional users to a company record by creating a custom HubSpot user property.

    domain stringnullablerequired

    the company's website domain. HubSpot Insights uses this domain to provide you with basic information about the company. Every property marked with an asterisk (*) can be populated automatically by HubSpot Insights once the domain name is populated.

    website stringnullablerequired

    the company's web address. Filling in this property will also fill in Company domain name.

    is_deleted booleanrequired
    createdate date-timerequired

    the date the company was added to your account.

    notes_last_updated date-timerequired

    the last date and time a note, call, tracked and logged sales email, meeting, LinkedIn/SMS/WhatsApp message, task, or chat was logged on the company record. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on the most recent date/time set for an activity. For example, if a user logs a call and indicates that it occurred the day before, the Last activity date property will show yesterday's date.

    raw_data objectrequired

    The raw data returned by the provider.

    property name* any

    The raw data returned by the provider.

  • ]