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Get form fields



Get form fields


Path Parameters

    form_id stringrequired
    Example: 12345

Query Parameters

    include_raw_data boolean

    Whether to include raw data fetched from the 3rd party provider.

    Example: true

Header Parameters

    x-customer-id stringrequired

    The customer ID that uniquely identifies the customer in your application

    Example: my-customer-1
    x-provider-name stringrequired

    The provider name

    Example: salesforce


List of fields on the form with the given ID

    fields object[]required
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired
    name stringrequired
    required booleanrequired
    form_id stringrequired
    data_format stringrequired
    data_options object[]

    Selectable options for this field. Only applicable if the data_format is select. Only supported for Hubspot and Marketo.

  • Array [
  • label stringrequired
    value stringrequired
    is_default boolean

    If true, will be selected by default. Defaults to false.

  • ]
  • validation_message stringnullable
    raw_data object
    property name* any
  • ]