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List list memberships




ProviderObjectCommon Schema supportNotes
Hubspotcontact, accountYesRaw data response from V3 API
Salesforcecontact, account, lead, opportunityYesRaw data response from V57.0 REST API


Path Parameters

    list_id stringrequired
    Example: 220e715a-0cbc-4d2d-8420-cd729f12f094

Query Parameters

    page_size string

    Number of results to return per page. (Max: 100)

    Example: 100
    cursor string

    The pagination cursor value

    Example: cD0yMDIxLTAxLTA2KzAzJTNBMjQlM0E1My40MzQzMjYlMkIwMCUzQTAw
    object_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [contact, account, opportunity, lead]

    The Supaglue common object type to fetch a list for.


    ProviderObject Type
    Salesforcecountact, account, opportunity, lead
    Hubspotcontact, account
    Example: contact

Header Parameters

    x-customer-id stringrequired

    The customer ID that uniquely identifies the customer in your application

    Example: my-customer-1
    x-provider-name stringrequired

    The provider name

    Example: salesforce


List membership

    pagination objectrequired
    next stringnullablerequired
    previous stringnullablerequired
    total_count number
    records object[]required
  • Array [
  • oneOf
    account_id stringnullablerequired
    owner_id stringnullablerequired
    addresses object[]required
  • Array [
  • address_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [primary, mailing, other, billing, shipping]

    city stringnullablerequired
    country stringnullablerequired
    postal_code stringnullablerequired
    state stringnullablerequired
    street_1 stringnullablerequired
    street_2 stringnullablerequired
  • ]
  • email_addresses object[]required
  • Array [
  • email_address stringrequired
    email_address_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [primary, work, other]

  • ]
  • first_name stringnullablerequired
    id stringrequired
    last_activity_at date-timenullablerequired
    last_name stringnullablerequired
    phone_numbers object[]required
  • Array [
  • phone_number stringnullablerequired
    phone_number_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [primary, mobile, fax, other]

  • ]
  • lifecycle_stage lifecycle_stagenullablerequired

    Possible values: [subscriber, lead, marketingqualifiedlead, salesqualifiedlead, opportunity, customer, evangelist, other]

    created_at date-timenullablerequired
    updated_at date-timenullablerequired
    is_deleted booleanrequired
    last_modified_at date-timerequired
    raw_data object
    property name* any
  • ]