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Get logged in User ID and details



This endpoint returns the ID of the logged in (common schema) User and details.

The common schema User ID maps to the following 3rd-party provider object IDs:

ProviderRemote object ID
HubspotV3 Owner
DynamicsAzure System User


Path Parameters

    customer_id stringrequired

Query Parameters

    provider_name stringrequired

    Possible values: [hubspot, ms_dynamics_365_sales, intercom]

Header Parameters

    x-sg-minor-version string

    Possible values: [1]



    user_id string

    The ID of the logged in user that originates from your customer's third-party Provider. Refer to the table above for the Provider ID mapping.

    raw_details object

    The raw data from the your customer's third-party Provider.

    property name* any

    The raw data from the your customer's third-party Provider.

    additional_raw_details object

    For some third-party Providers, there may be additional data used to lookup the common schema User ID (e.g. with Hubspot)

    property name* any

    For some third-party Providers, there may be additional data used to lookup the common schema User ID (e.g. with Hubspot)
