Common schema for CRM
Supaglue supports the following Common Objects:
Supaglue Common Schema Field | Salesforce User Field | HubSpot Owner Field | Pipedrive User Field | MS Dynamics 365 Sales User Field |
id | Id | id | id | systemuserid |
name | Name | ${firstName lastName} | name | fullname |
email | Email | email | email | internalemailaddress |
is_active | IsActive | !archived | active_flag | !isdisabled |
created_at | CreatedDate | createdAt | created | overridencreatedon OR createdon |
updated_at | SystemModstamp | updatedAt | modified | modifiedon |
is_deleted | IsDeleted | !!archived | false | deletedstate |
last_modified_at | SystemModstamp | updatedAt | modified | modifiedon |
Supaglue Common Schema Field | Salesforce Lead Field | HubSpot Field | Pipedrive Lead Field | MS Dynamics 365 Sales Lead Field |
id | Id | N/A | id | leadid |
owner_id | OwnerId | N/A | owner_id | _ownerid_value |
first_name | FirstName | N/A | N/A | firstname |
last_name | LastName | N/A | N/A | lastname |
lead_source | LeadSource | N/A | source_name | N/A |
title | Title | N/A | title | jobtitle |
company | Company | N/A | N/A | companyname |
converted_account_id | ConvertedAccountId | N/A | organization_id | _accountid_value |
converted_contact_id | ConvertedContactId | N/A | person_id | _contactid_value |
addresses[].street_1 | Street | N/A | N/A | address{1,2,3}_line1 |
addresses[].street_2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | address{1,2,3}_line2 |
addresses[].city | City | N/A | N/A | address{1,2,3}_city |
addresses[].state | State | N/A | N/A | address{1,2,3}_stateorprovince |
addresses[].postal_code | PostalCode | N/A | N/A | address{1,2,3}_postalcode |
addresses[].country | Country | N/A | N/A | address{1,2,3}_country |
addresses[].address_type | primary | N/A | N/A | primary OR billing OR shipping OR other |
phone_numbers[].phone_number | Phone OR MobilePhone OR Fax | N/A | N/A | telephone{1,2,3} |
phone_numbers[].phone_number_type | primary OR mobile OR fax | N/A | N/A | primary OR other |
email_addresses[].email_address | Email | N/A | N/A | emailaddress{1,2,3} |
email_addresses[].email_address_type | primary | N/A | N/A | primary OR other |
last_modified_at | SystemModstamp | N/A | N/A | modifiedon |
created_at | CreatedDate | N/A | update_time | overridencreatedon OR createdon |
updated_at | SystemModstamp | N/A | update_time | modifiedon |
is_deleted | IsDeleted | N/A | is_archived | false |
Supaglue Common Schema Field | Salesforce Contact Field | HubSpot Contact Field | Pipedrive Person Field | MS Dynamics 365 Sales Contact Field |
id | Id | id | id | contactid |
account_id | AccountId | (first company from associations) | org_id?.value | _parentcustomerid_value |
owner_id | OwnerId | hubspot_owner_id | owner_id?.id | _ownerid_value |
first_name | FirstName | firstname | first_name | firstname |
last_name | LastName | lastname | last_name | lastname |
addresses[].street_1 | MailingStreet OR OtherStreet | address | N/A | address{1,2}_line1 |
addresses[].street_2 | N/A | N/A | N/A | address{1,2}_line2 |
addresses[].city | MailingCity | city | N/A | address{1,2}_city |
addresses[].state | MailingState | state | N/A | address{1,2}_stateorprovince |
addresses[].postal_code | MailingPostalCode | zip | N/A | address{1,2}_postalcode |
addresses[].country | MailingCountry | country | N/A | address{1,2}_country |
addresses[].address_type | mailing OR other | primary | N/A | primary OR shipping OR billing OR other |
phone_numbers[].phone_number | Phone OR MobilePhone OR Fax | phone OR mobilephone Or fax | phoneNumbers[].phoneNumber | telephone{1,2,3} |
phone_numbers[].phone_number_type | primary OR mobile or fax | primary OR mobile or fax | mobile OR primary OR fax | primary OR other |
email_addresses[].email_address | Email | work_email OR email | emailAddress | emailaddress{1,2} |
email_addresses[].email_address_type | primary | primary OR work | primary OR work | primary OR other |
lifecycle_stage | N/A | lifecyclestage | N/A | N/A |
last_modified_at | LastActivityDate | notes_last_updated | delete_time OR update_time | modifiedon |
created_at | CreatedDate | createdAt | add_time | overridencreatedon OR createdon |
updated_at | SystemModstamp | updatedAt | update_time | modifiedon |
is_deleted | IsDeleted | archived | delete_time | false |
Supaglue Common Schema Field | Salesforce Account Field | HubSpot Company Field | Pipedrive Organization Field | MS Dynamics 365 Sales Account Field |
id | Id | id | id | accountid |
name | Name | name | name | name |
description | Description | description | N/A | description |
owner_id | OwnerId | hubspot_owner_id | owner_id?.id | _ownerid_value |
industry | Industry | industry | N/A | industrycode (resolved to label) |
website | Website | website | N/A | websiteurl |
number_of_employees | NumberOfEmployees | numberofemployees | people_count | numberofemployees |
addresses[].street_1 | BillingStreet | address | address_street_number OR adress_route | address{1,2}_line1 |
addresses[].street_2 | N/A | address2 | address_subpremise | address{1,2}_line2 |
addresses[].city | BillingCity | city | address_locality | address{1,2}_city |
addresses[].state | BillingState | state | address_admin_area_level_1 | address{1,2}_stateorprovince |
addresses[].postal_code | BillingPostalCode | zip | address_postal_code | address{1,2}_postalcode |
addresses[].country | BillingCountry | country | address_country | address{1,2}_country |
phone_numbers[].phone_number | Phone | phone | N/A | telephone{1,2,3} |
lifecycle_stage | N/A | lifecyclestage | N/A | N/A |
last_modified_at | LastActivityDate | updatedAt OR archivedAt | update_time OR delete_time | modifiedon |
created_at | CreatedDate | createdAt | add_time | overridencreatedon OR createdon |
updated_at | SystemModstamp | updatedAt | update_time | modifiedon |
is_deleted | IsDeleted | archived | delete_time | false |
Supaglue Common Schema Field | Salesforce Field | HubSpot Deal Field | Pipedrive Deal Field | MS Dynamics 365 Sales Opportunity Field |
id | Id | id | id | opportunityid |
owner_id | OwnerId | hubspot_owner_id | user_id?.id | _ownerid_value |
name | Name | dealname | title | name |
description | Description | description | N/A | description |
stage | StageName | dealstage (resolved to label) | stage_id (resolved to label) | stageid_processstage@odata.nextLink (resolved to label) |
close_date | CloseDate | closedate | close_time | actualclosedate |
amount | Amount | amount | value | actualvalue |
account_id | AccountId | (first company from associations) | org_id?.value | _parentaccountid_value |
last_activity_at | LastActivityDate | notes_last_updated | last_activity_date | N/A |
pipeline | N/A | pipeline (resolved to label) | pipeline_id (resolved to label) | opportunity_leadtoopportunitysalesprocess@odata.nextLink (resolved to label) |
status | IsWon OR IsClosed | hs_is_closed_won OR hs_is_closed | open OR won Or lost | statuscode |
last_modified_at | SystemModstamp | updatedAt OR archivedAt | update_time OR delete_time | modifiedon |
created_at | CreatedDate | createdAt | add_time | overridencreatedon OR createdon |
updated_at | SystemModstamp | updatedAt | update_time | modifiedon |
is_deleted | IsDeleted | archived | deleted | false |