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Read and write contacts


This tutorial will go through how to read synced CRM contacts in your Postgres and create them in your customer's CRM.


This tutorial assumes you have gone through Supaglue's Quickstart and will use the following technologies:

  • Typescript
  • Nextjs 13
  • Postgres
  • Prisma

Reading synced CRM contacts

Upon completing Supaglue's Quickstart, you will have your customers' CRM data in your Postgres database. Let's use a Nextjs 13 Server Component and Prisma to render contacts in your app.

  1. Go through the Prisma steps to install and introspect Supaglue tables in your database.

  2. In your Nextjs Server Component, use your generated Prisma client to read from the crm_contacts table and render it using React.

    // app/people/page.jsx

    const crmContacts = await prisma.crm_contacts.findMany({
    where: {
    // Supaglue partitions your customer data in destination tables by
    // {application_id, customer_id, provider_name}.
    supaglue_application_id: APPLICATION_ID,
    supaglue_customer_id: CUSTOMER_ID,
    supaglue_provider_name: PROVIDER_NAME,

    // React component
    export default function People() {
    return (
    { => (

Writing data to your customer's CRM

Now that you're fetching and rendering your customer's CRM contacts, we will use Supaglue's Action API to create contacts in your customer's CRM.

Let's add a button to a Nextjs Client Component that will use SWR to call a Nextjs Route Handler to create a contact in your customer's CRM.

  1. Define a Nextjs API Route that POSTs to Supaglue's /crm/v2/contacts endpoint:

    // app/api/create-crm-contact/route.ts

    export async function POST(request: Request) {
    const data = await request.json();

    const res = await fetch(``, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'x-api-key': process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPAGLUE_API_KEY,
    'x-customer-id': request.headers.get('x-customer-id'),
    'x-provider-name': request.headers.get('x-provider-name'),
    body: JSON.stringify(data),

    const responseData = await res.json();
    return NextResponse.json(responseData);
  2. Use SWR to call the Nextjs Route Handler we defined above in step 1:

    // app/people/[...person]/page.jsx

    export default function Person() {
    const customerContext = useCustomerContext();
    const targetContact = getTargetContact();

    const { trigger, error, data } = useSWRMutation(`/api/create-crm-contact`, async (url, { arg }) => {
    return await fetch(url, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'x-api-key': process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPAGLUE_API_KEY,
    'x-provider-name': customerContext.providerName,
    body: JSON.stringify(arg),

    return (
    onClick={() => {
    record: {
    first_name: targetContact.firstName,
    last_name: targetContact.lastName,
    email_addresses: [
    email_address_type: 'primary',
    Add to CRM

Calling the Action API will update the data in your customer's CRM and then your Postgres.